Book a Consultation

Projects come in all shapes and sizes, so book a free consultation with me to discuss yours! 

When you book a consultation, you’re booking a 30-minute, one-on-one remote chat with me to discuss your project. We’ll talk about your music and influences, what you’d like to accomplish, and your ideal timeline and budget, as well as my usual workflow. And of course, feel free to ask me any questions!

There is no hourly rate here. Stressing out over a clock never did anyone any good. Based on the nature and scope of your ideas, I’ll deliver a quote for the project, which will generally consist of a flat fee for my work, plus an industry-standard percentage of royalties if the project is intended for commercial release. If it seems like a good fit, we’ll determine a rough timeline for the project, and start scheduling sessions! You get to determine the focus and length of each session, within reason.

Please note that a consultation is not the same as a recording session - we’ll define those based on mutual availability and your preferred style of work.

Not ready to book a consultation? No problem! Feel free to get in touch and ask any questions via the Contact page!

Here are some things to consider before we speak:

What do you want to make? A song, an EP, an LP, an audition tape, something else entirely?

How fully formed is your idea? Do you have something fully written, arranged, and rehearsed, ready to be recorded? Will you need additional musicians to play on the project?

Do you have any sonic references or influences? Are there artists, albums, or songs that sound kinda like what you’re hearing in your head? What are some records that you were listening to when you were writing? 

What’s your budget? I never want money to stop a beautiful idea from coming to life. Let’s discuss!